Monday, April 5, 2010

Push yourself!

I'll get back to posting about other meal times later. I wanted to get to some thoughts about exercise. Yes, it was a good decision. My routines involved biking, elipticals, and treadmills. I also do some weights. I actually should have done more with weights at the beginning. Having some muscle mass is a good thing. When I really thinned out I looked like I was sick, but I wasn't.

Anyway, my whole thing on exercise was to push myself, but not torture myself. So, I only engaged in exercise I liked or could reasonably stand to do. I absolute hate swimming as a form of exercise. Stair climbing was horrible, so I avoided these. At the time I hated running, so I did more biking than anything else. I walked and jogged very slowly for eight minutes.

Over time I eventually began building more stamina, especially with my heart and lungs. My legs and arms got stronger and my weight was going down. When I started at the Y, I burned maybe 200 + calories at the time. Eventually, I was burning over 400 calories. But I had to work at it. And I did it slowly. When I was ready, I would push myself even farther.

So, if you hate running, then walk instead. If you can't stand exercise bikes, try elipticals. At a gym it's possible to try out several options until you find something that works for you. Push yourself, but don't torture yourself. Otherwise, you might just hate it so much that you won't stick with it. At least, that's what I would have done.